Spiritual wellness is connecting to a healing energy from a source that allows you to connect to a higher vibration within yourself. Connecting to this energy source guides you to your purpose using a set of values, ethics and principles, so you can lead a fulfilled life. Take this assessment to see how balanced you are or aren't in this element of wellness.
Once we process our thoughts, it is important that we are able to manage our emotions. If we do not have a hold on our emotions as much as we would like to then this is something that we are able to overcome with practical coping skills. Take this assessment and see where you stand.
A mind that is well is operating at an optimal level to realize your own abilities, to cope with everyday stressors, can function productively at work and play, and have the ability to contribute to your community. Take this assessment below.
When we consider the ingredients we are putting into our bodies as fuel then we will realize the power in which nutrients can unlock our abilities to function at our maximum potential both in our minds and bodies.