Our Story
Create your life, your legacy. Create your destiny.

“ Everyone has an innate sense of direction to navigate his or her wellness.”
Cyndi “CYD” Tran is a Vietnamese American. Her parents were Buddhist refugees who escaped the Vietnam War. Back in the homeland, her dad was a musician and mom was an entrepreneur. CYD has been a life-long practicing Buddhist with her mother’s guidance. Her parents divorced by the time she was 4. Being raised by a single mom was difficult since they lived in poverty most of her childhood. She was going to a new school almost every year. She learned to be resilient exceedingly early due to her circumstances. She was working by the time she was 12 years old. CYD was the first to graduate from college in her family with a Bachelor’s Degree in Science, while working full time with a 7 year career in the dental field on the weekdays and bartending on the weekends at night clubs. Being exposed to the nightlife allowed her to move on to her passion of music through the art of DJing and producing. Music was a way for her to heal through a lot of the traumas she has battled in her life. She decided that no matter what your past may have looked like you have the power to “Create Your Destiny.” She followed her heart in what she believed was meant for her and not what society has programmed for her.
“Create Your Destiny” began as an idea for which the legacy we wish to fulfill is the destiny we create. CYD’s devotion to practicing Buddhism and love for science has given her a key to unlock the potential of what we could ultimately become. CYD completed the Landmark Forum Advanced Course and it transformed her life. She received her Holistic Advocacy certification for fun during the pandemic and realized most of what she was learning she had been exposed in one form or another. This was the confirmation that she needed for her years of meditation and prayer that was manifesting before her eyes. She decided to pull together what she knew to give people a place to start discovering their inner compass that can lead them to a path of fulfillment.
CYD’s passion in life is to guide people to find their inner compass. Everyone has an innate sense of direction to navigate his or her wellness. Exposure to Westernized thinking can make us forget our natural abilities to just be. We as human beings are a part of a whole system, but Western thinking has forced us to live in a reductive mindset. Having a background in science, she loves to observe the world on a microscopic level as well as how they play into a bigger role in the ecosystem. She sees so much potential in what humans can be in the world.
In order to unlock our potential, CYD researched the tools needed to assess oneself in the 10 Elements of Wellness. Once we have assessed our baseline then we can see where there may be imbalances. Each element of wellness has a 28-day program to give us daily exercises to get closer to a healthy and holistic way of being.