• Nicolajsen Stevenson posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    ion between traits and tissues. Our analysis expands our knowledge on trait-relevant tissue network and paves way for future human disease studies.

    The non-coding variants identified from GWAS studies are casually assumed to be not critical to translated protein product. However, 3′ untranslated regions (3’UTRs) of genes harbor variants can often change the binding affinity of targeting miRNAs playing important roles in protein translation degree. Our study has shown that GWAS variants could play important roles on miRNA-target gene networks by contributing the association between traits and tissues. Our analysis expands our knowledge on trait-relevant tissue network and paves way for future human disease studies.The identification of genetic variation that directly impacts infection susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and disease severity of COVID-19 is an important step towards risk stratification, personalized treatment plans, therapeutic, and vaccine development and deployment. Given the importance of study design in infectious disease genetic epidemiology, we use simulation and draw on current estimates of exposure, infectivity, and test accuracy of COVID-19 to demonstrate the feasibility of detecting host genetic factors associated with susceptibility and severity in published COVID-19 study designs. We demonstrate that limited phenotypic data and exposure/infection information in the early stages of the pandemic significantly impact the ability to detect most genetic variants with moderate effect sizes, especially when studying susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Our insights can aid in the interpretation of genetic findings emerging in the literature and guide the design of future host genetic studies.

    Drug sensitivity prediction and drug responsive biomarker selection on high-throughput genomic data is a critical step in drug discovery. Many computational methods have been developed to serve this purpose including several deep neural network models. However, the modular relations among genomic features have been largely ignored in these methods. To overcome this limitation, the role of the gene co-expression network on drug sensitivity prediction is investigated in this study.

    In this paper, we first introduce a network-based method to identify representative features for drug response prediction by using the gene co-expression network. Then, two graph-based neural network models are proposed and both models integrate gene network information directly into neural network for outcome prediction. Next, we present a large-scale comparative study among the proposed network-based methods, canonical prediction algorithms (i.e., Elastic Net, Random Forest, Partial Least Squares Regression, and Support Vector between the genomic features are more robust and stable compared to the correlation between each individual genomic feature and the drug response in high dimension and low sample size genomic datasets.

    Network-based feature selection method and prediction models improve the performance of the drug response prediction. The relations between the genomic features are more robust and stable compared to the correlation between each individual genomic feature and the drug response in high dimension and low sample size genomic datasets.

    How vascular systems and their respiratory pigments evolved is still debated. While many animals present a vascular system, hemoglobin exists as a blood pigment only in a few groups (vertebrates, annelids, a few arthropod and mollusk species). Hemoglobins are formed of globin sub-units, belonging to multigene families, in various multimeric assemblages. It was so far unclear whether hemoglobin families from different bilaterian groups had a common origin.

    To unravel globin evolution in bilaterians, we studied the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii, a species with a slow evolving genome. Platynereis exhibits a closed vascular system filled with extracellular hemoglobin. Platynereis genome and transcriptomes reveal a family of 19 globins, nine of which are predicted to be extracellular. Extracellular globins are produced by specialized cells lining the vessels of the segmental appendages of the worm, serving as gills, and thus likely participate in the assembly of a previously characterized annelid-specifze and activity. However, all hemoglobins derive from a clade I globin, or cytoglobin, probably involved in intracellular O

    transit and regulation. learn more The annelid Platynereis is remarkable in having a large family of extracellular blood globins, while retaining all clades of ancestral bilaterian globins.

    We uncover a complex “pre-blood” evolution of globins, with an early gene radiation in ancestral bilaterians. Circulating hemoglobins in various bilaterian groups evolved convergently, presumably in correlation with animal size and activity. However, all hemoglobins derive from a clade I globin, or cytoglobin, probably involved in intracellular O2 transit and regulation. The annelid Platynereis is remarkable in having a large family of extracellular blood globins, while retaining all clades of ancestral bilaterian globins.

    Short tandem repeat (STR), or “microsatellite”, is a tract of DNA in which a specific motif (typically < 10 base pairs) is repeated multiple times. STRs are abundant throughout the human genome, and specific repeat expansions may be associated with human diseases. Long-read sequencing coupled with bioinformatics tools enables the estimation of repeat counts for STRs. However, with the exception of a few well-known disease-relevant STRs, normal ranges of repeat counts for most STRs in human populations are not well known, preventing the prioritization of STRs that may be associated with human diseases.

    In this study, we extend a computational tool RepeatHMM to infer normal ranges of 432,604 STRs using 21 long-read sequencing datasets on human genomes, and build a genomic-scale database called RepeatHMM-DB with normal repeat ranges for these STRs. Evaluation on 13 well-known repeats show that the inferred repeat ranges provide good estimation to repeat ranges reported in literature from population-scale studies. This database, together with a repeat expansion estimation tool such as RepeatHMM, enables genomic-scale scanning of repeat regions in newly sequenced genomes to identify disease-relevant repeat expansions. As a case study of using RepeatHMM-DB, we evaluate the CAG repeats of ATXN3 for 20 patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) and 5 unaffected individuals, and correctly classify each individual.

    In summary, RepeatHMM-DB can facilitate prioritization and identification of disease-relevant STRs from whole-genome long-read sequencing data on patients with undiagnosed diseases. RepeatHMM-DB is incorporated into RepeatHMM and is available at https//github.com/WGLab/RepeatHMM .

    In summary, RepeatHMM-DB can facilitate prioritization and identification of disease-relevant STRs from whole-genome long-read sequencing data on patients with undiagnosed diseases. RepeatHMM-DB is incorporated into RepeatHMM and is available at https//github.com/WGLab/RepeatHMM .

    The estimation of microbial networks can provide important insight into the ecological relationships among the organisms that comprise the microbiome. However, there are a number of critical statistical challenges in the inference of such networks from high-throughput data. Since the abundances in each sample are constrained to have a fixed sum and there is incomplete overlap in microbial populations across subjects, the data are both compositional and zero-inflated.

    We propose the COmpositional Zero-Inflated Network Estimation (COZINE) method for inference of microbial networks which addresses these critical aspects of the data while maintaining computational scalability. COZINE relies on the multivariate Hurdle model to infer a sparse set of conditional dependencies which reflect not only relationships among the continuous values, but also among binary indicators of presence or absence and between the binary and continuous representations of the data. Our simulation results show that the proposed method is better able to capture various types of microbial relationships than existing approaches. We demonstrate the utility of the method with an application to understanding the oral microbiome network in a cohort of leukemic patients.

    Our proposed method addresses important challenges in microbiome network estimation, and can be effectively applied to discover various types of dependence relationships in microbial communities. The procedure we have developed, which we refer to as COZINE, is available online at https//github.com/MinJinHa/COZINE .

    Our proposed method addresses important challenges in microbiome network estimation, and can be effectively applied to discover various types of dependence relationships in microbial communities. The procedure we have developed, which we refer to as COZINE, is available online at https//github.com/MinJinHa/COZINE .

    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a complex disease and is comprised of several histological subtypes, the most frequent of which are clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (ChRCC). While lots of studies have been performed to investigate the molecular characterizations of different subtypes of RCC, our knowledge regarding the underlying mechanisms are still incomplete. As molecular alterations are eventually reflected on the pathway level to execute certain biological functions, characterizing the pathway perturbations is crucial for understanding tumorigenesis and development of RCC.

    In this study, we investigated the pathway perturbations of various RCC subtype against normal tissue based on differential expressed genes within a certain pathway. We explored the potential upstream regulators of subtype-specific pathways with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). We also evaluated the relationships between subtype-specific pathways and pothesized that the alterations of common upstream regulators as well as subtype-specific upstream regulators work together to affect the downstream pathway perturbations and drive cancer initialization and prognosis. Our findings not only increase our understanding of the mechanisms of various RCC subtypes, but also provide targets for personalized therapeutic intervention.

    In summary, we evaluated the relationships among pathway perturbations, upstream regulators and clinical outcome for differential subtypes in RCC. We hypothesized that the alterations of common upstream regulators as well as subtype-specific upstream regulators work together to affect the downstream pathway perturbations and drive cancer initialization and prognosis. Our findings not only increase our understanding of the mechanisms of various RCC subtypes, but also provide targets for personalized therapeutic intervention.

    Cryo-EM data generated by electron tomography (ET) contains images for individual protein particles in different orientations and tilted angles. Individual cryo-EM particles can be aligned to reconstruct a 3D density map of a protein structure. However, low contrast and high noise in particle images make it challenging to build 3D density maps at intermediate to high resolution (1-3Å). To overcome this problem, we propose a fully automated cryo-EM 3D density map reconstruction approach based on deep learning particle picking.

    A perfect 2D particle mask is fully automatically generated for every single particle. Then, it uses a computer vision image alignment algorithm (image registration) to fully automatically align the particle masks. It calculates the difference of the particle image orientation angles to align the original particle image. Finally, it reconstructs a localized 3D density map between every two single-particle images that have the largest number of corresponding features. The localized 3D density maps are then averaged to reconstruct a final 3D density map.