• McCormack Aguirre posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Foraging is a vital behavioral task for living organisms. Behavioral strategies and abstract mathematical models thereof have been described in detail for various species. To explore the link between underlying neural circuits and computational principles, we present how a biologically detailed neural circuit model of the insect mushroom body implements sensory processing, learning, and motor control. We focus on cast and surge strategies employed by flying insects when foraging within turbulent odor plumes. Using a spike-based plasticity rule, the model rapidly learns to associate individual olfactory sensory cues paired with food in a classical conditioning paradigm. We show that, without retraining, the system dynamically recalls memories to detect relevant cues in complex sensory scenes. Accumulation of this sensory evidence on short time scales generates cast-and-surge motor commands. Our generic systems approach predicts that population sparseness facilitates learning, while temporal sparseness is required for dynamic memory recall and precise behavioral control. Our work successfully combines biological computational principles with spike-based machine learning. #link# It shows how knowledge transfer from static to arbitrary complex dynamic conditions can be achieved by foraging insects and may serve as inspiration for agent-based machine learning.Articles on CRISPR commonly open with some variant of the phrase “these short palindromic repeats and their associated endonucleases (Cas) are an adaptive immune system that exists to protect bacteria and archaea from viruses and infections with other mobile genetic elements.” There is an abundance of genomic data consistent with the hypothesis that CRISPR plays this role in natural populations of bacteria and archaea, and experimental demonstrations with a few species of bacteria and their phage and plasmids show that CRISPR-Cas systems can play this role in vitro. Not at all clear are the ubiquity, magnitude, and nature of the contribution of CRISPR-Cas systems to the ecology and evolution of natural populations of microbes and the strength of selection mediated by different types of phage and plasmids to the evolution and maintenance of CRISPR-Cas systems. In this perspective, with the aid of heuristic mathematical-computer simulation models, we explore the a priori conditions under which exposure to lytic and temperate phage and conjugative plasmids will select for and maintain CRISPR-Cas systems in populations of bacteria and archaea. We review the existing literature addressing these ecological and evolutionary questions and highlight the experimental and other evidence needed to fully understand the conditions responsible for the evolution and maintenance of CRISPR-Cas systems and the contribution of these systems to the ecology and evolution of bacteria, archaea, and the mobile genetic elements that infect them.The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is a key brain region involved in complex cognitive functions such as reward processing and decision making. Neuroimaging studies have reported unilateral OFC response to reward-related variables; however, those studies rarely discussed this observation. Nevertheless, some lesion studies suggest that the left and right OFC contribute differently to cognitive processes. We hypothesized that the OFC asymmetrical response to reward could reflect underlying hemispherical difference in OFC functional connectivity. Using resting-state and reward-related functional MRI data from humans and from rhesus macaques, we first identified an asymmetrical response of the lateral OFC to reward in both species. Crucially, the subregion showing the highest reward-related asymmetry (RRA) overlapped with the region showing the highest functional connectivity asymmetry (FCA). Furthermore, the two types of asymmetries were found to be significantly correlated across individuals. In both species, the right lateral OFC was more connected to the default mode network compared to the left lateral OFC. Altogether, our results suggest a functional specialization of the left and right lateral OFC in primates.Humans are considered a highly cooperative species. Through cooperation, we can tackle shared problems like climate change or pandemics and cater for shared needs like shelter, mobility, or healthcare. However, cooperation invites free-riding and can easily break down. Maybe because of this reason, societies also enable individuals to solve shared problems individually, like in the case of private healthcare plans or private retirement planning. Such “self-reliance” allows individuals to avoid problems related to public goods provision, like free-riding or underprovision, and decreases social interdependence. However, not everyone can equally afford to be self-reliant, and amid shared problems, self-reliance may lead to conflicts within groups on how to solve shared problems. In two preregistered studies, we investigate how the ability of self-reliance influences collective action and cooperation. We show that self-reliance crowds out cooperation and exacerbates inequality, especially when some heavily depend on collective action while others do not. link2 However, we also show that groups are willing to curtail their ability of self-reliance. When given the opportunity, groups overwhelmingly vote in favor of abolishing individual solutions to shared problems, which, in turn, increases cooperation and decreases inequality, particularly between group members that differ in their ability to be self-reliant. The support for such endogenously imposed interdependence, however, reduces when individual solutions become more affordable, resonating with findings of increased individualism in wealthier societies and suggesting a link between wealth inequality and favoring individual independence and freedom over communalism and interdependence.Interaction effects can change materials properties in intriguing ways, and they have, in general, a huge impact on electronic spectra. In particular, satellites in photoemission spectra are pure many-body effects, and their study is of increasing interest in both experiment and theory. However, the intrinsic spectral function is only a part of a measured spectrum, and it is notoriously difficult to extract this information, even for simple metals. Our joint experimental and theoretical study of the prototypical simple metal aluminum demonstrates how intrinsic satellite spectra can be extracted from measured data using angular resolution in photoemission. A nondispersing satellite is detected and explained by electron-electron interactions and the thermal motion of the atoms. Additional nondispersing intensity comes from the inelastic scattering of the outgoing photoelectron. The ideal intrinsic spectral function, instead, has satellites that disperse both in energy and in shape. Theory and the information extracted from experiment describe these features with very good agreement.Whether a pathogen entering a new host species results in a single infection or in onward transmission, and potentially an outbreak, depends upon the progression of infection in the index case. Although index infections are rarely observable in nature, experimental inoculations of pathogens into novel host species provide a rich and largely unexploited data source for meta-analyses to identify the host and pathogen determinants of variability in infection outcomes. We analyzed the progressions of 514 experimental cross-species inoculations of rabies virus, a widespread zoonosis which in nature exhibits both dead-end infections and varying levels of sustained transmission in novel hosts. Inoculations originating from bats rather than carnivores, and from warmer- to cooler-bodied species caused infections with shorter incubation periods that were associated with diminished virus excretion. Inoculations between distantly related hosts tended to result in shorter clinical disease periods, which are also expected to impede onward transmission. All effects were modulated by infection dose. link3 Taken together, these results suggest that as host species become more dissimilar, increased virulence might act as a limiting factor preventing onward transmission. These results can explain observed constraints on rabies virus host shifts, describe a previously unrecognized role of host body temperature, and provide a potential explanation for host shifts being less likely between genetically distant species. More generally, our study highlights meta-analyses of experimental infections as a tractable approach to quantify the complex interactions between virus, reservoir, and novel host that shape the outcome of cross-species transmission.TRPM3 channels play important roles in the detection of noxious heat and in inflammatory thermal hyperalgesia. The activity of these ion channels in somatosensory neurons is tightly regulated by µ-opioid receptors through the signaling of Gβγ proteins, thereby reducing TRPM3-mediated pain. We show here that Gβγ directly binds to a domain of 10 amino acids in TRPM3 and solve a cocrystal structure of this domain together with Gβγ. Using these data and mutational analysis of full-length proteins, we pinpoint three amino acids in TRPM3 and their interacting partners in Gβ1 that are individually necessary for TRPM3 inhibition by Gβγ. The 10-amino-acid Gβγ-interacting domain in TRPM3 is subject to alternative splicing. Its inclusion in or exclusion from TRPM3 channel proteins therefore provides a mechanism for switching on or off the inhibitory action that Gβγ proteins exert on TRPM3 channels.Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common genetic renal disease, primarily caused by germline mutation of PKD1 or PKD2, leading to end-stage renal disease. The Hippo signaling pathway regulates organ growth and cell proliferation. Herein, we demonstrate the regulatory mechanism of cystogenesis in ADPKD by transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ), a Hippo signaling effector. TAZ was highly expressed around the renal cyst-lining epithelial cells of Pkd1-deficient mice. Loss of Taz in Pkd1-deficient mice reduced cyst formation. In ARS-853 solubility dmso , TAZ interacted with PKD1, which inactivated β-catenin. In contrast, in PKD1-deficient cells, TAZ interacted with AXIN1, thus increasing β-catenin activity. Interaction of TAZ with AXIN1 in PKD1-deficient cells resulted in nuclear accumulation of TAZ together with β-catenin, which up-regulated c-MYC expression. Our findings suggest that the PKD1-TAZ-Wnt-β-catenin-c-MYC signaling axis plays a critical role in cystogenesis and might be a potential therapeutic target against ADPKD.RNA interfering is a eukaryote-specific gene silencing by 20∼23-nucleotide (nt) microRNAs and small interfering RNAs that recruit Argonaute proteins to complementary RNAs for degradation. In humans, Argonaute2 (AGO2) has been known as the only slicer while Argonaute3 (AGO3) barely cleaves RNAs. Therefore, the intrinsic slicing activity of AGO3 remains controversial and a long-standing question. Here, we report 14-nt 3′ end-shortened variants of let-7a, miR-27a, and specific miR-17-92 families that make AGO3 an extremely competent slicer, increasing target cleavage up to ∼82-fold in some instances. These RNAs, named cleavage-inducing tiny guide RNAs (cityRNAs), conversely lower the activity of AGO2, demonstrating that AGO2 and AGO3 have different optimum guide lengths for target cleavage. Our study sheds light on the role of tiny guide RNAs.