• Callahan Harbo posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    To tackle the second issue, we verbally indicated the location to attend before the start of each block of trials, to exclude potential visual cue-specific effects on microsaccades. Our results indicate that sustained spatial attention alone reliably produces the microsaccade direction effect. Overall, our findings demonstrate that sustained spatial attention alone, even in the absence of saccade planning or a spatial cue, is sufficient to explain the direction bias observed in microsaccades.The solar salterns in Tuticorin, India, are man-made, saline to hypersaline systems hosting some uniquely adapted populations of microorganisms and eukaryotic algae that have not been fully characterized. Two visually different microbial mats (termed ‘white’ and ‘green’) developing on the reservoir ponds (53 PSU) were isolated from the salterns. Firstly, archaeal and bacterial diversity in different vertical layers of the mats were analyzed. Culture-independent 16S rRNA gene analysis revealed that both bacteria and archaea were rich in their diversity. The top layers had a higher representation of halophilic archaea Halobacteriaceae, phylum Chloroflexi, and classes Anaerolineae, Delta- and Gamma- Proteobacteria than the deeper sections, indicating that a salinity gradient exists within the mats. Limited presence of Cyanobacteria and detection of algae-associated bacteria, such as Phycisphaerae, Phaeodactylibacter and Oceanicaulis likely implied that eukaryotic algae and other phototrophs could be the primary producers within the mat ecosystem. Secondly, predictive metabolic pathway analysis using the 16S rRNA gene data revealed that in addition to the regulatory microbial functions, methane and nitrogen metabolisms were prevalent. Finally, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions determined from both mat samples showed that the δ13Corg and δ15Norg values increased slightly with depth, ranging from – 16.42 to – 14.73‰, and 11.17 to 13.55‰, respectively. The isotopic signature along the microbial mat profile followed a pattern that is distinctive to the community composition and net metabolic activities, and comparable to saline mats in other salterns. The results and discussions presented here by merging culture-independent studies, predictive metabolic analyses and isotopic characterization, provide a collective strategy to understand the compositional and functional characteristics of microbial mats in saline environments.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating incurable neurological disorder characterized by motor neuron (MN) death and muscle dysfunction leading to mean survival time after diagnosis of only 2-5 years. A potential ALS treatment is to delay the loss of MNs and disease progression by the delivery of trophic factors. Previously, we demonstrated that implanted mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSPs) loaded with trophic factor peptide mimetics support survival and induce differentiation of co-implanted embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived MNs. Here, we investigate whether MSP loaded with peptide mimetics of ciliary neurotrophic factor (Cintrofin), glial-derived neurotrophic factor (Gliafin), and vascular endothelial growth factor (Vefin1) injected into the cervical spinal cord of mutant SOD1 mice affect disease progression and extend survival. We also transplanted boundary cap neural crest stem cells (bNCSCs) which have been shown previously to have a positive effect on MN survival in vitro and in vivo. We show that mimetic-loaded MSPs and bNCSCs significantly delay disease progression and increase survival of mutant SOD1 mice, and also that empty particles significantly improve the condition of ALS mice. Our results suggest that intraspinal delivery of MSPs is a potential therapeutic approach for the treatment of ALS.Sleep and 24-h activity rhythm disturbances are associated with development of neurodegenerative diseases and related pathophysiological processes in the brain. We determined the cross-sectional relation of sleep and 24-h activity rhythm disturbances with plasma-based biomarkers that might signal neurodegenerative disease, in 4712 middle-aged and elderly non-demented persons. Sleep and activity rhythms were measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and actigraphy. Simoa assays were used to measure plasma levels of neurofilament light chain, and additionally β-amyloid 40, β-amyloid 42, and total-tau. We used linear regression, adjusting for relevant confounders, and corrected for multiple testing. We found no associations of self-rated sleep, actigraphy-estimated sleep and 24-h activity rhythms with neurofilament light chain after confounder adjustment and correction for multiple testing, except for a non-linear association of self-rated time in bed with neurofilament light chain (P = 2.5*10-4). Similarly, we observed no significant associations with β-amyloid 40, β-amyloid 42, and total-tau after multiple testing correction. We conclude that sleep and 24-h activity rhythm disturbances were not consistently associated with neuronal damage as indicated by plasma neurofilament light chain in this population-based sample middle-aged and elderly non-demented persons. Further studies are needed to determine the associations of sleep and 24-h activity rhythm disturbances with NfL-related neuronal damage.Understanding how migratory animals respond to spatial and temporal variation in habitat phenology is critical for identifying selection pressures and tradeoffs at different life history stages. We examined the influence of breeding habitat phenology on life history timing of the eastern willet (Tringa semipalmata semipalmata) across a latitudinal gradient of breeding sites on the east coast of North America. To describe migration and life history timing, we deployed light-level geolocators on willets at breeding sites in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Maine, USA and evaluated additional data on life history timing and migratory connectivity from previous studies, eBird and band recoveries. Donafenib price Willets from Nova Scotia to Georgia winter exclusively on the Atlantic coast of northern South America and share common stopover sites. The timing of wintering site departure, breeding site arrival, nesting and southbound departure was later for birds breeding at higher latitudes while the duration of all life phases was similar across sites. Regardless of latitude, nesting corresponded with a consistent stage of seasonal salt marsh biomass accumulation and with peak spring temperature acceleration (GDD jerk). Temperature acceleration and salt marsh biomass were closely correlated with each other across the 11° latitudinal gradient we examined and with the timing of nest initiation across the northern 6° of this gradient. For this northern 6° of latitude, these results suggest that the timing of migration and breeding events in the annual cycle of eastern willets is constrained by a phenological “green wave” of spring salt marsh productivity at breeding sites.This study focuses on the individual and joint contributions of two nonverbal channels (i.e., face and upper body) in avatar mediated-virtual environments. 140 dyads were randomly assigned to communicate with each other via platforms that differentially activated or deactivated facial and bodily nonverbal cues. The availability of facial expressions had a positive effect on interpersonal outcomes. More specifically, dyads that were able to see their partner’s facial movements mapped onto their avatars liked each other more, formed more accurate impressions about their partners, and described their interaction experiences more positively compared to those unable to see facial movements. However, the latter was only true when their partner’s bodily gestures were also available and not when only facial movements were available. Dyads showed greater nonverbal synchrony when they could see their partner’s bodily and facial movements. This study also employed machine learning to explore whether nonverbal cues could predict interpersonal attraction. These classifiers predicted high and low interpersonal attraction at an accuracy rate of 65%. These findings highlight the relative significance of facial cues compared to bodily cues on interpersonal outcomes in virtual environments and lend insight into the potential of automatically tracked nonverbal cues to predict interpersonal attitudes.Editor’s Note this Article has been retracted; the Retraction Note is available at https//www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-76500-9.The fungus, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, causes white mold disease and infects a broad spectrum of host plants (> 500), including soybean with yield losses of up to 70%. Biological control is a potential alternative for management of this severe plant pathogen, and relative to chemical fungicides, provides broad benefits to the environment, farmers and consumers. The symbiotic bacteria of entomopathogenic nematodes, Xenorhabdus spp. and Photorhabdus spp., are characterized by the production of antimicrobial compounds, which could serve as potential sources for new bio-fungicides. The objectives of this study were to assess cell-free supernatants (CFS) of 16 strains of these bacteria cultures on S. sclerotiorum mycelium growth; assess the volatiles of X. szentirmaii cultures on the fungus mycelium and sclerotium inhibition; and evaluate the X. szentirmaii cultures as well as their CFS on the protection of soybean seeds against the white mold disease. Among the 16 strains, the CFS of X. szentirmaii showed the highest fungicidal effect on growth of S. sclerotiorum. The CFS of X. szentirmaii inhibited > 98% of fungus growth from mycelium and sclerotia, whereas the volatiles generated by the bacterium culture inhibited to 100% of fungus growth and 100% of sclerotia production. The bacterial culture diluted to 33% in water and coated on soybean seeds inhibited S. sclerotiorum and protected soybean plants, allowing 78.3% of seed germination and 56.6% of plant development. Our findings indicate potential for a safe and novel control method for S. sclerotiorum in soybean. Moreover, this is the first study to indicate that volatile organic compounds from Xenorhabdus spp. can be used in plant disease suppression.The confidence of medical equipment is intimately related to false alarms. The higher the number of false events occurs, the less truthful is the equipment. In this sense, reducing (or suppressing) false positive alarms is hugely desirable. In this work, we propose a feasible and real-time approach that works as a validation method for a heartbeat segmentation third-party algorithm. The approach is based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which may be embedded in dedicated hardware. Our proposal aims to detect the pattern of a single heartbeat and classifies them into two classes a heartbeat and not a heartbeat. For this, a seven-layer convolution network is employed for both data representation and classification. We evaluate our approach in two well-settled databases in the literature on the raw heartbeat signal. The first database is a conventional on-the-person database called MIT-BIH, and the second is one less uncontrolled off-the-person type database known as CYBHi. To evaluate the feasibility and the performance of the proposed approach, we use as a baseline the Pam-Tompkins algorithm, which is a well-known method in the literature and still used in the industry.